Terms of use


Every visitor orders and purchases in the online store Baltijos Menas undertakes to comply with the specified rules and obligations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) and applicable legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

1. General provisions

These Rules are designed to provide you with the rights and responsibilities of both parties (hereinafter – the Customer or the Buyer) and the online store “Baltic Art”.
The Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is deemed to be concluded from the moment when the Buyer in the electronic shop “Baltijos Menas” chooses the desired artwork (s) to form a basket of goods, specifies the delivery address, payment method and acquaintance with these conditions, click the button “Buy “And is valid until the proper fulfillment of the obligations of both parties.
Each contract concluded between the Buyer and Seller is protected by the MB Baltic Arts Ltd, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which can be found on the website baltijosmenas.lt.
The authorship and ownership of the work of art are the responsibility of the author or seller who submitted for sale the Baltic Art website for this art work. In the event that the Buyer is suspected of such an artwork, “Baltic Art” will make efforts and help the Buyer to resolve any possible disputes.
Baltic Art reserves the right to change the Rules at any time. The Customer shall be subject to those Rules that are in force at the time of purchase.

2. Purchase and delivery of an artwork

The order is deemed to be made when the Customer clicks the “Pay” button confirming that he / she is buying the item (s) presented in the shopping cart.
The order is accepted when the payment enters the specified Baltic Art account. The buyer receives the order confirmation in his electronic mailbox.
If the order is not paid within 2 (two) business days, the order is canceled, unless the Client separately agrees in writing for another Payment term.
The goods are delivered in the manner selected by the Client. If you wish to receive an order through courier, the courier will arrange the delivery time in advance with the phone.
Buyer’s duty to inspect the shipment. The shipment is considered delivered when the Buyer or his representative accepted the shipment and confirmed it with his signature. The buyer must inspect packages of the parcel at the time of acceptance at the courier’s presence. Having noticed packaging violations, the Buyer must indicate this in the delivery confirmation of the shipment and, together with the courier, fill in the Packaging Offense (Checking) Act issued by Courier. Failure to perform his duties the Buyer loses the possibility to require Seller to answer for the quality of the work of art.

3. Returning an artwork

The artwork is returned in accordance with the 2001 edition. June 29 Order of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania No. 217 “On Approval of Rules for the Return of Goods and Exchange”.
In order to return my work, the Buyer has to fill in the Application Form and send it to the Seller (by e-mail: galerija@baltijosmenas.lt or registered mail) within 7 business days from the date of delivery of the goods, August 17 Order of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Nr. 258 “On the sale of goods and the provision of services when contracts are approved using the rules of communication”.
Replaced or returned works of art must meet the following requirements:

The work of art must be intact or otherwise intact;
The seller is not liable for the fact that the goods (works of art) in the e-shop Baltic Art may not correspond, in their color, form or other parameters, to the actual size, shape and color of the goods due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer;
If the Buyer refuses to purchase a work of art (item), the Goods shall be returned to the Seller’s account within 15 (fifteen) days from the receipt of the Buyer’s written notice about the termination of the purchase-sale contract. The size, color, pattern or complexity of the Goods, which the Buyer does not like, the size, color, pattern or complexity (except for the exceptions provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania), are changed or accepted from the Buyer within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer. The item is returned to the Buyer’s account.
The artwork (goods) is returned in the original package of the item and the package, fully completed and properly packaged, i.e. as received by the Buyer;
Artwork (item) will not be accepted back if used and / or damaged and / or lost its appearance (changes in the appearance of the product or its packaging which were necessary to inspect the product are not considered to be essential changes to the appearance of the item).

If the order indicates that the parcel will be banned, the Buyer will additionally comply with such insurance rules. Failure to comply with these rules makes the ban ineffective.

4. Limitation of Seller’s Liability

“Baltic Art” is exempted from any liability in cases where losses arise:
due to the fact that the Customer did not take into account the information provided to him